The Games I Play – Way Too Much Goodness – 9/14/2024

I mentioned in the last post that one of the reasons (excuses) for not writing was the time (way too much) that I’ve spent playing. I also mentioned that I’d retired – a beautiful thing. For those of you who are working towards the end of work, you’ll find that the most common question you’ll be asked once you make it to retirement is “what are you going to do with all your free time?”. It’s a question I’ve never really understood, and it’s always been reflected in my answer – “I’m going to do all the things I’ve always loved to do – just a WHOLE lot more of it”!

Gaming is one of those things and anyone who shares the passion will know that the last few years have been a pretty amazing period for the industry. The Gallery above is a partial list of all the games that have gobbled up my time – some new and some classics (V Rising should also be in there – just couldn’t find a good thumbnail). Every single one of those games above and others not represented have sucked me in (some pulled me back in after I’d walked away in the past – Minecraft and Eve, I’m looking at you!) and I’ve enjoyed every single minute they’ve stolen (special shout out to my wife – who has been so incredibly patient with me as I’ve fought and built my way through so many titles over the course of the last few years – more than anyone else I’ve ever met – she gets me).

Some of those games have delivered unmatched virtual experiences – the best of the best being the three at the top. BG3 and DD2 were simply magnificent – two of the best games I’ve ever played. I love games that tell great stories, and those two games were books for me – loved the world they put me in and loved the characters I adventured with. There are a very small number of games I will never get over (Skyrim, Witcher 3) and BG3 will no doubt be one of them.

I’m currently deep into Enshrouded and I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who loves open world survival games. I loved Valheim (lifetime achievement award goes to Minecraft – I will always enjoy putzing around with that game) and didn’t think I’d find an open world survival game that I’d ever enjoy as much until Enshrouded which I’m pretty sure is the one. I’ve finished most of the content and I’m into a mammoth build project phase. It satisfies on all levels.

I have wanted to fall in love with a Space Sim since I’ve started playing (that represents a lotta years of looking) and I’ve never been successful. I put a lot of hours into both No Man’s Sky and Starfield – enjoyed them both for a while – and it really kills me to say this because I started out so hopeful with both of them – but they just get way too old way too quick. Eventually walked away and never looked back.

Eve Online is different – it has staying power with me, and I come back over and over again – despite the complexity and merciless nature of the gameplay. I love diving in, but it drives me a little crazy. As absorbed as I currently am with Enshrouded, I still have Eve running in the background – progressing my training que and improving blueprints. That game represents a retirement project for me – may wind up being the very last game I play!

I don’t even know what to say about Diablo 4. I may have put more time into Diablo 2 than any other game I’ve played – even put a solid 4 months into D2 Resurrected. D3 was fun but ultimately a letdown – it couldn’t hold me like D2 did. I went into D4 with so much hope – invested a fair bit of time in both the closed and open betas as a tester – and enjoyed the initial full release. There was a great story there. Problem was – once I finished the Campaign – I found the end game to be lacking – it got stale pretty quickly and the 2nd Season was such a bust. I went back for S4 and loved it – maxxed 3 characters – then walked away looking forward to the expansion – “Vessel of Hatred” – scheduled for 10/8. Hoping for an engaging expansion of an already good story. Still – as fun as it was – D4 will never be what D2 was for me. I probably put 2 solid years into that game – endless farming, countless Mephisto runs. I’ll go back to D4 when the expansion drops but it’s just not good enough to keep me from looking forward to Path of Exile 2 next year. Now that game – PoE 1 – was almost if not as good for me – as D2.

Lots of games I haven’t mentioned from the last 4 years. These were just the standouts. I have a number of titles that I’ve purchased that I haven’t yet played – most notably Elden Ring – which I’ll likely try soon. If that doesn’t suck me in, seems like I’ll be playing Enshrouded – occasionally dipping back into Eve – until I get to take a crack at PoE2 next year.

…and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how I transitioned so seamlessly from work to retirement. It’s been a blast!

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