Sorry for the additional partial post but a very funny thing happened on the way to the Publish Button.
I was in the process of amending my original June Releases post to add a comment about Yoon Ha Lee’s “Machineries Of Empire” series – amazing reads that I would recommend to anyone – I found them to be some of the best new science fiction I’ve read in the last 5 years.
In doing so, I looked them up on Amazon – to confirm spelling and publication date – and LOOK WHAT I FOUND – scheduled for release on June 12:
Winna…Winna…Chicken Dinna – a good month just became an exceptional month. It’s only available for e-readers and paperback so I’ve pre-ordered it through iBooks.
I just don’t know how June could get any better.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner? LOLOLOL – haven’t heard that for ages!
What can I say – old guy – old content 😀
Thanks for the comment and for taking a look. Cheers, Brian