On The Screen – The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives – 9/20/2024


Three quick statements / caveats before I actually get into this:

  • I am not going to explain how I wound up wasting 2 hours of my life watching this program last night. All I’ll say is that I did enjoy the time together on the couch with my wife – that’s never a waste of time – regardless of what’s on the screen.
  • I’ll make no bones about it – this is going to be a “get off my lawn”, “OK Boomer” type of post – my first and hopefully my last. I don’t care. I stand behind what I’m about to write – proudly.
  • I don’t generally watch reality TV. There’s NOTHING real about it and it’s designed to appeal to all of humanity’s baser instincts. In life, particularly my stage of life, time is too precious to waste on this kind of painfully contrived cultural junk food.

Here’s my message. If you watch and find yourself enjoying this show, please step back and take a little time to re-evaluate your life choices. I have never, in my life, watched something so vapid and content-free. I could literally feel the brains leaking out of my ears as I watched.

At no moment over the course of the approximately 2-hour experience did I witness any of these “content creators” express any sentiment or take any action that could – by any stretch of the imagination – be considered worthy of a decent human being. These are silly people at their best and awful people at their worst.

It goes without saying that I won’t be wasting another second on this drivel and I sincerely hope that no one else will. The best thing that these “content creators” could actually do is find something a little more meaningful to commit themselves to.


PS: I’m not naive. I know there’s money in this game. I just find it tragic that, as a culture, we so lucratively reward this type of garbage. I’ll only say that it doesn’t have to be this way. Coming out of law school, I walked away from an extremely attractive starting salary to take a position with the federal government. I did it because I believed it gave me the chance to serve something much bigger and far more important than my own selfish interests. I do enthusiastically and joyfully applaud all those young people – and there are many – who are willing to make a similar choice. When you get to be my age, you will truly thank yourself.

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