On My Mind & The Games I Play – Legendary Coffee Mug – 9/17/2024

My coffee tastes better in this mug. It doesn’t make sense – I just know it’s true.

Maybe it subconsciously connects me to all those hours I put into World of Warcraft – the game I likely have more hours invested in than any other I’ve ever played. It takes me way back in time, but I can’t begin to explain how blown away I was when I first launched WoW and stepped out into that virtual world. The game lost me quite a while ago but that doesn’t diminish its significance at the time or its overall impact on the gaming industry and community.

This was a gift from one of our many wonderful neighbors who shares my gaming passion. Another part of this may be a reminder of just how lucky we are to live in this great neighborhood surrounded by so many great folks.

Thanks Neighbor – I appreciate you!

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