On My Mind – Wheel of Time – 9/14/2024

It has been almost 4 years since I’ve posted and how life has changed. I don’t have a particularly good reason for stepping back but if I were completely honest…a lot of it has to do with a series of exceptionally good computer games that have been released since 2020 (more on that in a subsequent post).

I could write pages about all that’s changed / happened in the last four years, but I won’t dwell since just about every bit of it has been good. I’ve retired – very happily. I’ve had one child graduate from college and one graduate from Law School. I’ve read less and gamed far more than I should have. The MCU has run itself off the road and stalled out in a ditch. I’ve run for office and lost but wound up on a Village Commission and a local non-profit board. The Horns are on the verge of establishing themselves once again as one of the premiere college football programs in the country. Life is actually – pretty darn good.

With all that out of the way, I think I’m going to try and write a little once again. I started this site as a place where I could review books. I’ll still do some of that – I’m actually working my way back through all of the Malazan novels by Erikson and Esslemont (about halfway through a reread of “Reaper’s Gale”) – but from now on, I’m going to just chase whatever topic I’m stuck on at the time – whether it be books, games, movies, television, politics or life’s little things. Let’s see how that works for a change. Hope I can do something that – if not worthy – might be deserving of a moment or two of your time.

Ah – one other thing that’s happened – I seem to have gotten a wee bit older. Jury’s out on the better part.


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4 Responses to On My Mind – Wheel of Time – 9/14/2024

  1. Nigel says:

    Great to have you back!

  2. Michael Kulczycki says:

    Cheers to you Brian, looking good! Looking fwd to your columns. Michael

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